Blog Post

A H Harry Oussoren • January 7, 2025

A Retirement Village for Independent Living

To:  United Church of Canada personnel in the diverse ministries of the Church 

Dear Colleagues & Friends:

The United Church of Canada Properties Trust (UCC) owns Albright Gardens Retirement Community (AGRC) - a village of 41 homes in a park-like setting - providing affordable rental housing primarily geared to retired personnel who serve and have served in UCC ministries and normally are members of the UCC Pension Plan. 

The AGRC is located in Beamsville, Ontario within easy reach of St. Catharines and Hamilton on the Niagara Peninsula - one of Ontario's wine and fruit-growing regions. 

The property, donated to the Church in the 1950s with additional parcels purchased in the sixties, abuts the Niagara Escarpment.  The Niagara to Tobermory  Bruce Trail runs through the south end of the property and is one of several walking trails.   The site provides majestic views of Lake Ontario, with the Greater Toronto Area just visible across the lake. 

Re-development of the property to create more affordable housing for seniors is on the horizon.   Integral to the planning process are careful attention to social values, the natural environment, geriatric needs, the intentions of the original donors of the property, the Rev. Raymund Albright, and Ms. Elsie Watt, funder of 12 frame homes.   Kindred Works is the Church's vehicle for re-development planning and consulting.

The rent for the current independent-living two-bedroom units is about 70% of comparable area market rents.  Lawn care and snow clearance are included. 

 The village has an active  Tenants Association which fosters healthy community and good neighbourliness, maintaining open and cooperative relations with the owner.  The Friendship Centre provides space for community activities, as well as offices of the Community Support Services of Niagara.    The tenants' website can tell you more.  It includes personal testimonials, as well as eligibility requirements.  Visit:        

The message?   For UCC personnel near or at retirement, over 55 years of age, looking for affordable rental housing in the southern Ontario region - Albright Gardens is a great place to consider.

The property manager, Shabri Properties Ltd., maintains a  waiting list for those interested in residing in this welcoming community.  Contact: Rental Housing Administrator  Leila Thompson at  [email protected], tel. (905) 684-6333 or 1-(289) 362-1105  ext.232

A H Harry Oussoren (Rev. Dr.)

Owner's Agent for the AGRC of the UCC Properties Trust 
updated:   January 21, 2025

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