It’s been just under a year since I wrote my last piece on “Democracy’s Slippery Slope”. You can access this series in the Pilgrim Praxis Archive found at this link:
Not to my surprise, the reflections in posts #1 through #9 did not change the world. If anything the state of democracy has become more tenuous and conditions in many countries more grim.
The Covid-19 pandemic has not contributed to the growth of democracy. But it has undermined the persistent chorus of naysayers speaking against government in general and “big” government, in particular. Those favouring a “libertarian” view to restrict the roles government can play in societies have, as a result, a more uphill battle, given the important roles governments have played (or not).
Countries where central and regional governments have worked together to counter the Covid-19 threats have fared better than governments – especially anti-democratic regimes - which tried to “wish away” the virus and deny its devastating consequences. Canada, the European Union, New Zealand, Japan, etc. have benefitted not only from their relatively wealthy position in the world economy, but have also had effective governmental interventions to reduce and minimize the risk. Democracies deserve the honourable mention.
At the same time, the world political map has seen the rise of increasingly autocratic governments – often democratically elected as was Hitler in 1933 – led by political leaders, who are best described as thugs, bullies, amoral, and, in too many cases, sociopathic and criminally inclined, but, by their control of the levers of power and wheels of government, are capable of ensuring their impunity.
The growing list of these underminers of democracy and its values is male dominated. Their names are easily associated with anti-democratic impulses and destructive political initiatives. A significant samplings follows.
China’s Xi Jinping, in the increasingly totalitarian Chinese state, has proclaimed legislation formidably undermining democracy for Hong Kong and has placed a million or more Uighur Muslim people in “re-education” concentration camps as part of the Han Chinese policy of extending its power and control over Asia, etc. Those are only the visible tips of the dictatorial iceberg, of course.
Putin’s name is synonymous with one-party control of government and autocracy unafraid to rob the people of Russia’s wealth and resort to a gun or poison to ensure opposing perspectives are kept silenced. With the blessing of the Russian Orthodox Church, LGBTQ citizens need to fear their President’s disdain for their human rights and well-being.
In the Philippines, the name of President Rodrigo Duterte
is associated with extra-judicial execution of individuals suspected, rumoured, or alleged to be involved in the drug trade. He has also adopted a typical unwillingness to take seriously the Covid-19 pandemic.
Hungary’s Viktor Orban
has abused the Covid-19 crisis to tighten the grip on the levers of power to attain “illiberal democracy” (viz. autocracy) as the European Union’s only “partly-free” state. The rights of Romani and LGBTQ citizens are under threat, as is any type of critique of government.
Netanyahu, one of many similarly inclined political leaders facing corruption charges, refuses to recognize the authority of United Nations’ resolutions about the illegally Occupied Territories. He devises asymmetrical political policies to ensure Palestinians' lands are stolen and their human rights are extinguished, while claiming Israel’s Knesset is a model of democracy.
In Latin America, democracy has shallow roots. The Monroe Doctrine of the USA lingers and provides rationale for American threats and interventions. In Venezuela, the socialist regime of Nicolas Maduro
hangs by a thread and the support of the military, while the economy spirals out of control and human rights lie in tatters.
In Brazil, President Jair Bolsonaro
put up a big green light for settler-driven deforestation of Amazonia at the expense of indigenous rights and for the benefit of ranchers backed by corporate food processers. Like so many other thugs, Bolsonaro has put economics well ahead of human well-being in the struggle with Covid-19 and well ahead of the human rights of Amazonian indigenous peoples.
North Korea’s Kim Jong-Un – well-advertised “friend” of Donald Trump – continues to rule with an iron fist and with murder if challenged – real or imaginary. Investing in mini-nuclear weapons is one strategy to ensure that his control over the nation is safe-guarded without risk of foreign (viz. USA) intervention.
Donald Trump
is, of course, esteemed and appreciated by these and other like-minded political leaders. There is no better international cover for their blatant illegal, immoral, and self-interested way of governing than to have a President of the USA disgracing the Oval Office and fostering anti-democratic rhetoric and ways.
Trump gives license to his domestic followers to pursue racist, misogynist, xenophobic, homophobic, and economic plundering policies and to disregard the danger of Covid-19 with little regard for consequences for people and for Creation itself. While benefiting the elite rich (including himself and his undeclared, unrevealed economic interests), he extends to adversaries of USA the hand of friendship. Allies seeking a more robust world order and other long-term friends of the USA, however, are given the back of his hand.
One can only stand aghast at how someone this amoral, this narcissistic and sociopathic, this unworthy, this abusive of democracy, this incompetent, this ignorant about the interests and values of the U.S. republic can be elected – albeit it by a minority of the voters, but by a majority of the archaic electoral college members - to this world leadership role! His election in 2016 was, like the Covid-19 virus, a demonstrable threat global well-being and peace. His impeachment in 2019 was a justified preliminary to what should have concluded in his removal from office.
Lest I and you, reader, descend into the slough of despond, let me point briefly to two signs among many others that give me hope for the world.
First, I am encouraged by the many civic society groups that have sprouted up to challenge and advocate, to resist and to propose.
I wish the faith communities of the world could be seen leading in this movement to increase humility, tolerance, understanding, respect, compassion, and thirst for justice in our world. Some do in fact contribute energy and resources to this cause. Others simply side with the powers-that-be or stand aside apathetically.
But there are countless groups – large and small - with concerned, inspired members of the one human family working together for a gentler, more just, more peace-filled world. I especially am inspired by the work of – drawing together 60 million people for a better world. *
All people of goodwill need to encourage, support, and strengthen groups that share a vision of well-being and agency for all. The thugs and bullies must realize that a vision where all “treat others as they want others to treat them” is the divinely given norm for the human family and for Creation itself.
Second, I am heartened by the number of women – often of the younger generation – who have jumped into political leadership fray in many countries. To be sure, gender will not necessarily determine whether a governor is benign or malevolent. But currently the world is blessed by a cohort of female political leaders who espouse enlightened and peace-filled approaches to the role of governing.
Scandinavian countries seem to generate such leaders almost naturally. Sanna Marin
of Finland and Katrina Jakobsdottir
of Iceland stand alongside German Chancellor Angela Merkel and Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern
of New Zealand and others in the Caribbean, South Asia, and Africa to point in a more beneficent direction for their nations and for the world. This is a welcome, hope-filled sign. May they be blessed with courage, resilience, and good health!
Democracy is a fragile but life-enhancing flower. Over the centuries and in our time too many male leaders have trampled and destroyed the seedlings and the perennials with little care for the totalitarian direction of their march.
Today we need creative gifts of the Spirit to feed and water the roots, nurture the plants, and protect the planter boxes, so that the flowers of democracy may bloom and bear good fruit. It is a noble cause that can’t be left to the ignoble.
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*Avaaz—meaning "voice" in several European, Middle Eastern and Asian languages—launched in 2007 with a simple democratic mission: organize citizens of all nations to close the gap between the world we have and the world most people everywhere want. (Source: the website)