Sometimes it is hard to see the sky for the trees. Sky blue is a holy colour. Mary, mother of Jesus, is usually depicted with a blue hijab! The sky points to infinity and the transcendent, the divine.
Trees solidly rooted in the earth. Complex, strong, vulnerable, dangerous, versatile, oxygen producing, carbon absorbing, sheltering, and much more. They can block the sky, but they are also symbols of life and living in all its complexity and beauty.
This Pilgrim Praxis blog was an experiment for me. It built on about 25 years of preaching practice - producing a sermon weekly that engaged people, that was rooted in scripture and the faith life of both me and the communities of faith & mission I served. Doubtless lots of those sermons spent more time on the complexities and problematics of life's trees, not as much on their virtues and blessings, and didn't always get through the canopy to see the blue sky. Others will be better able to assess this than I. But this type of faith and thought processing was a well-established pattern in my living.
So Pilgrim Praxis has become a kind of substitute for this weekly habit. Surprisingly there have been, in the past thirteen months since the blog's inception, 57 postings. That's about one per week! Not always punctually every week, but an overall average.
I was prodded into starting this blog by a Vancouver friend who urged me eighteen years ago to claim the "" domain. It lay dormant as a domain for 16 years until the same friend just over a year ago urged me to make better use of it. Pilgrim Praxis was born.
I can't report that it has a huge following. But I can attest that it calls me to continue testifying to the unconditional love of God for me and all, and the self-giving life and truth of Jesus Christ, and the Spirit's ubiquitous life-generating presence globally, communally, and personally.
And if you read and engage the posting now and them, that's "gravy" and a blessing! May we all see clearly the blue sky amid the trees. Shalom, Salaam, Peace.