People talk about the death of the church as if that's a given. I hunch that over the centuries other forecasters have spent much time making the case and arguing its veracity. It hasn't happened! Two thousand years after that little crew of friends walked with Jesus there are still a host of people who claim the label "Christian". The church is still there; and in many parts of the world, growing visibly.
The church will only be dead when the last two or three humans who are friends on the road together toward the heart of God collapse and die. Perhaps it might happen if the planet we occupy is totally destroyed. Barring that I believe the divine Spirit continues today and forever to call people toward the divine heart.
My mind goes to that wonderful story of Elijah in the Hebrew Scriptures' first book of Kings, chapyer 19. Elijah has been challenging the political authority of the day - King Ahab and Queen Jezebel. They know Elijah's prophetic utterances to be a threat to their way. They're out to get him. He flees and in the literal and metaphorical wilderness he despairs even to wishing he might die - utterly alone and totally vulnerable. Where is God? Not in the tornado, not in the earthquake, not in the conflagration, but in the still small voice, a sound of sheer silence, a sound - a thin silence, heard in the wilderness! And by the way, Elijah, you may be unaware that there are still 7000 faithful in Israel who have not bowed down to the false gods.
Across faith lines, there are countless people of faith, hope, and love who still hear the persistent small voice calling. It's a voice that cannot be stilled or stifled and will keep calling people to walk the Way of loving God and neighbour as self, respecting Creation, and looking toward Shalom's horizon where justice and compassion abound in peace.
Our cherished institutions may fade away, but the small voice will not and people of goodwill - of whatever faith - will continue to walk together.