In the witness of the Biblical book of Proverbs, divine wisdom [hokma (Hebrew); Sophia (Greek)] is personified as a woman crying in the streets for people to turn from their foolish ways of not honouring Adonai [God; the Holy One] (Proverbs 1:22ff). To honour God
12:5 Honest people will treat you fairly; the wicked want to deceive you.
12:6 The words of the wicked are murderous, but the words of the righteous rescue those who are threatened.
12:8 If you are intelligent, you will be praised; if you are stupid, people will look down on you.
12:12 What that wicked people want is to find evil things to do, but the righteous stand firm.
12:13 The wicked are trapped by their own words, but honest people get themselves out of trouble.
12:15 Stupid people always think they are right. Wise people listen to advice.
12:17 When you tell the truth, justice is done; but lies lead to injustice.
12:20 Those who plan evil are in for a rude surprise; but those who work for good will find happiness.
12:22 [God] hates liars, but is pleased with those who keep their word.
12:23 Sensible people keep quiet about what they know, but stupid people advertise their ignorance.
12:28 Righteousness [justice] is the road to life; wickedness is the road to death.
13:1 A wise son pays attention when his father corrects him, but an arrogant person never admits he is wrong.
13:2 Good people will be rewarded for what they say, but those who are deceitful are hungry for violence.
13:5 Honest people hate lies, but the words of wicked people are shameful and disgraceful.
13:9 The righteous are like a light shining brightly; the wicked are like a lamp flickering out.
13:10 Arrogance causes nothing but trouble. It is wiser to ask for advice.
13:13 If you refuse good advice, you are asking for trouble; follow it and you are safe.
14:2 Be honest and you show that you have reverence for [God]; be dishonest and you show that you do not.
14:3 Proud fools talk too much; the words of the wise protect them.
14:5 A reliable witness always tells the truth, but an unreliable one tells nothing but lies.
14:6 Conceited people can never become wise, but intelligent people learn easily.
14:7 Stay away from foolish people; they have nothing to teach you.
14:8 Why is a clever person wise? Because he knows what to do. Why is a stupid person foolish? Because he only thinks he knows.
14:9 Foolish people don’t care if they sin, but good people want to be forgiven.
14:11 A good person’s house will still be standing after an evildoer’s house has been destroyed.
14:15 A fool will believe anything; sensible people watch their step.
14:17 People with a hot temper do foolish things; wiser people remain calm.
14:18 Ignorant people get what their foolishness deserves, but the clever are rewarded with knowledge.
14:19 Evil people will have to bow down to the righteous and humbly beg their favour.
14:21 If you want to be happy, be kind to the poor; it is a sin to despise anyone.
14:26 A witness saves lives when he tells the truth; when he tells lies, he betrays people.
14:29 If you stay calm, you are wise; but if you have a hot temper, you only show how stupid you are.
14:31 If you oppress poor people, you insult the God who made them; but kindness shown to the poor is an act of worship.
14:32 Wicked people bring about their own downfall by their evil deeds, but good people are protected by their integrity.
14:33 Wisdom is in every thought of intelligent people; fools know nothing about wisdom.
14:34 Righteousness makes a nation great; sin is a disgrace to any nation.
15:7 Knowledge is spread by people who are wise, not by fools.
15:9 [God] hates the ways of evil people, but loves those who do what is right.
15:12 Conceited people do not like to be corrected; they never ask for advice from those who are wiser.
15:14 Intelligent people want to learn, but stupid people are satisfied with ignorance.
15:21 Stupid people are happy with their foolishness, but the wise will do what is right.
15:24 Wise people walk the road that leads upwards to life, not the road that leads downwards to death.
15:26 [God] hates evil thoughts, but is pleased with friendly words.
15:27 If you try to make a profit dishonestly, you will get your family into trouble. Don’t take bribes and you will live longer.
15:29 When good people pray, [God] listens, but ignores those who are evil.
15:31 If you pay attention when you are corrected, you are wise.
15:33 Reverence for [God] is an education in itself. You must be humble before you can ever receive honours.
16:2 You may think everything you do is right, but [God] judges your motives.
16:4 Everything [God] has made has its destiny; and the destiny of the wicked is destruction.
16:5 [God] hates everyone who is arrogant and never lets them escape punishment.
16:8 It is better to have a little, honestly earned, than to have a large income gained dishonestly.
16:18 Pride leads to destruction, and arrogance to downfall.
16:19 It is better to be humble and stay poor than to be one of the arrogant and get a share of their loot.
16:21 A wise, mature person is known for his understanding. The more pleasant his words, the more persuasive he is.
16:22 Wisdom is a fountain of life to the wise, but trying to educate stupid people is a waste of time.
16:29 Violent people deceive their friends and lead them to disaster.
17:4 Evil people listen to evil ideas, and liars listen to lies.
17:5 If you laugh at poor people, you insult the God who made them. You will be punished if you take pleasure in someone’s misfortune.
17:7 Respected people who not tell lies, and fools have nothing worthwhile to say.
17:10 An intelligent person learns more from one rebuke than a fool learns from being beaten a hundred times.
17:12 It is better to meet a mother bear robbed of her cubs than to meet some fool busy with a stupid project.
17:13 If you repay good with evil, you will never get evil out of your home.
17:16 It does a fool no good to spend money on an education, because he has no common sense.
17:20 Anyone who thinks and speaks evil can expect to find nothing good – only disaster.
17:23 Corrupt judges accept secret bribes, and then justice is not done.
18:1 People who do not get along with others are interested only in themselves; they will disagree with what everyone else knows is right.
18:2 A fool does not care whether he understands a thing or not; all he wants to do is to show how clever he is.
18:3 Sin and shame go together. Lose your honour, and you will get scorn in its place.
18:4 A person’s words can be a source of wisdom, deep as the ocean, fresh as a flowing stream.
18:7 When a fool speaks, he is ruining himself; he gets caught in the trap of his own words.
18:10f. [God] is like a strong tower, where the righteous can go and be safe. Rich people, however, imagine that their wealth protects them like high, strong walls round a city.
18:20f. You will have to live with the consequences of everything you say. What you say can preserve life or destroy it; so, you must accept the consequences of your words.
19:1 It is better to be poor but honest than to be a lying fool.
19:3 Some people ruin themselves by their own stupid actions and then blame [God].
19:17 When you give to the poor, it is like lending to [God], and [God] will pay you back.
19:20 If you listen to advice and are willing to learn, one day you will be wise.
19:22 It is a disgrace to be greedy; poor people are better off than liars.
19:25 Arrogance should be punished, so that people don’t know any better can learn a lesson. If you are wise, you will learn when you are corrected.
20:17 What you get by dishonesty you may enjoy like the finest food, but sooner or later it will be like a mouthful of sand.
20:21 The more easily you get your wealth, the less good it will do you.
20:28 A king will remain in power as long as his rule is honest, just, and fair.
21:4 Wicked people are controlled by their conceit and arrogance, and this is sinful.
21:10 Wicked people are always hungry for evil; they have no mercy on anyone.
21:15 When justice is done, good people are happy, but evil people are brought to despair.
21:18 The wicked bring on themselves the suffering they try to cause good people.
21:24 Show me a conceited person and I will show you someone who is arrogant, proud, and inconsiderate.
22:8 If you sow the seeds of injustice, disaster will spring up, and your oppression of others will end.
22:10 Get rid of a conceited person, and then there will be no more arguments, quarreling, or calling of names.
22:12 [God] sees to it that truth is kept safe by disproving the words of liars.
*Source of texts: The Bible in English and French published as Bible, Bilingual Edition.
Nairobi, United Bible Societies, 2013. Copyright: The British & Foreign Bible Society, 1996.