There's always a surprise waiting to happen when I read the Gospels. Oh Yeah! and Aha! moments are frequent.
Take two stories about women - one a parable, another an experience shared.
The parable (Luke 18:1-8): It's a simple story about a woman seeking justice via a local judge. We don't know what the issue is - other than that justice is her goal. The judge couldn't care less. But the widow is persistent. She doesn't stop pursuing her goal by pestering the judge. The judge considers his self-interest. He wants not to be worn down by her persistence. So to get her off his docket, he grants her appeal. He does the right thing for insufficient reasons!
Oh Yeah! You know what? The widow is God! who keeps troubling me to grant justice where I am able to effect it. The divine Spirit who keeps prodding me (and us all), like the persistent widow, to nurture a world where all share in justice.
People with power may not have a lot of time for dealing with the little and big justice issues that plague especially the marginalized and the poor. The divine Spirit reaches into all our lives persistently calling me to act in solidarity with the unjustly treated of our world. This is Jesus Way - an act of outreaching love so that God's entire beloved family experiences the blessings God intends for all.
Then there is the little story of Jesus and the Canaanite/Palestinian (alien) woman from the region of Tyre and Sidon (Matthew 21:28): she is a mother (single?) whose daughter has a severe mental illness. She pleads loudly for Jesus to do something to ease the torment. Jesus avoids her!! and the disciples want to send her away!!! After all, Jesus came for his own people - charity and healing begins at home! Right?
It gets worse. "It is not fair to take the children's food and throw it to the dogs." What?! In that culture dogs are no domestic friends! "Dogs" is no compliment, Jesus!
She doesn't bite! She is intelligent in her response. "Yes, Jesus, yet even the dogs eat the crumbs that fall from their masters' table."
Aha! Jesus' eyes open. He sees a sister. His mind remembers. God colours beyond the lines. His heart is touched by her persistence and her faith. What am I doing! I'm not that self-centred judge. I came to be a blessing for all God's beloved children - within my homeland and well-beyond. Healing and hope - God's love for all!
This is a moment of transformation and illumination for Jesus. The Good News is not just "for us" but God intends it "for all."
Who and where are the Canaanite women and children of our time? Blessed are the healers who respond to their pleas and share real Good News. Aha!