Go no farther than this URL to watch 15 year old Greta Thunberg speak to world environmental leaders. Greta is the Swedis student who is moving peers around the world to become engaged in the global war on climate change.
Over 2000 events in 123 countries have brought young people and older together to act now so that hope for the future of earth may break out.
Today, my partner and I went to Parliament Hill in Ottawa to stand in solidarity with a thousand others to prod me and others to join in the struggle to keep fossil fuels in the ground and to foster global equity in the struggle against climate change.
Greta started it - by standing outside parliament in Stockholm. There police informed her she couldn't demonstrate for a cause before the legislature. So she moved to a place where she could and stayed - doing her school work in situ
- while advocating responsible action.
Surprise! Some ardent pro-fossil fuel person? or maintainer of peace (without justice) and order has lodged a complaint about her prophetic presence and there has to be a hearing to adjudicate her "crime".
The real crime is, of course, the fact that we humans led by our corporate and political leaders have brought the Earth close to the brink of disaster. Feds talk about economic development associated with pipeline building while professing a desire to ward off climate change. Contradiction in terms given the time left.... Globally, 100 million barrels of oil move to market every day! And we want to add more!
In Ontario we have a new government doing everything it can to increase green house gasses by removing carbon taxes and terminating (at huge cost to citizens) wind generating energy projects without any coherent plan to reduce carbon emissions. Like coal-lover Trump, Ford seems to be saying "I just don't believe climate change's threat."
Oil cartel executives tell us in high-cost ads of the economic pluses of more pipelines - while complaining about the high cost of removing their dead oil wells in Alberta and other oil-producing locations. But they won't give up on the chance to make billions creating moonscapes by pumping out tar sands bitumen.
Greta takes school time to protest, "there no point in school if there is no future. ... I must do what I can."
The prophets of the Hebrew scriptures knew that resistance and prophetic challenge was a high risk, high cost business. It cost them plenty - personal suffering and social ostracism. But they understood that the royal leadership of the day was simply rotten and irresponsible, not obeying the divine foundational laws of living.
Jeremiah and others risked their all to speak truth to power. They weren't all that successful in transforming the nation, but they persevered for a higher authority than wealth and power. The disaster they warned about came to pass.
Will the witness of Greta and her allied friends and companions open eyes, transform wills, motivate more action to give reason to hope for her generation and for generations to come? Or will it too result in disaster for all - especially our grandchildren?
I still have faith in the divine Spirit moving through diverse faithful communities calling receptive souls to engage in the war on climate change and to create a just and peaceful world where abundance and good health and a promising future is open to all. May it be so! Thank you, Greta.