It's hard to imagine any Canadian citizen let alone one of Chinese background going to China after Kovrig and Spavor. Hostage diplomacy, rule by one-party laws, sham trials, arbitrary arrests, forced confessions, horrible incarcerations, and re-education programs that have all the marks of concentration camps - all that and more is on offer by the Beijing government.
The Lot off Huseyin Celil
Before Spavor and Kovrig there were numerous others, including Huseyin Celil, a new Canadian citizen, a Uighur who advocated human rights, a husband and father of four boys who haven't seen their father in 16 years. He was detained in Uzbekistan before he knew that there was a secret extradition agreement between that country and the Chinese regime. Claims that he was a dual-citizen were inaccurate. He had renounced his Chinese citizenship following the steps prescribed in Artticles 9 and 10 of China's Nationality Law. But following that law did not assuage China's paranoia.
His story was written up by his wife, Kamila Talendibaeva, in the Globe & Mail of October 2, 2021.
Given all the effort and publicity given the two Michaels - justifiably and happily so - she lamented that the Canadian government seems to have forgotten the tyranny that her husband (not to mention as many as 115 other Canadian prisoners) was experiencing. So little is being done to address this injustice. Is it because far fewer citizens are calling for action by the government? Or is it that we don't want to poke Xi Jin PIng's hive any more than we already have and risk the stings (esp. loss of trade) of Beijing's reaction?
I wrote Amnesty International's Urgent Action office asking about their take on the case. They sent a substantial message outlining their actions and ideas for others to act. I won't repeat the whole message when you can just use this link and read it from the authoritative source itself:
As usual, Amnesty offers lots of ways concerned people can pursue the case. Given the bully intransigence Xi Jin Ping demonstrated in the case of the two Michael's, we may not have much impact on Huseyin Celil (pronounced jay-leel). Pushing the rock up this big hill can be frustrating - a long hard slog. But maybe.... Sitting in a dungeon is worse.
Sending a message of concern, solidarity, and hope to Huseyin from time to time may be the most blessed basic thing one can do, but more is warranted. Here's the address provided by Amnesty International Canada. I hope it is still valid:
Huseyin Celil
Di 6 qu, Di 5 Fenqu
Xinjiang Weiwuer Zizhiqu Diyi Jianyu
No. 5 Siping Lu
Wulumuqishi 830013
Xingiang Weiwuer Zizhiqu
People’s Republic of China
While you're writing him, you might just send a note to Justin Trudeau to remind him that the government of Canada has an obligation to fend for its citizens, particularly when they are being victimised by another ruthless government.
(The Rt. Hon. Justin Trudeau MP, Prime Minister's Office, 80 Wellington St., Ottawa K1A 0A2 - save the stamp for mailing Huseyin; ir email
[email protected])
For people of any faith, the divine Spirit has endowed the entire human family with gifts of compassion and concern that can bless Huseyin Cecil and his family, and others arbitrarily and unjustly jailed. For Christians, the witness attributed to Jesus in Matthew's Gospel chapter 25, esp. verses 43 to 45, will be a stark prod to action:
"I was a stranger and you did not welcome me, naked and you did not give me clothing, sick and in prison and you did not visit me... Truly I tell you, just as you did not do it to one of the least of these you did not do it to me."
I plan to keep Huseyin before readers of Pilgrim Praxis every now and then!!